Program Impact Evaluation
Energy and peak demand savings verification
Residential, multifamily, commercial, and industrial sectors
Program performance benchmarking
Clear, actionable recommendations
Field Services
Measurement and verification (M&V) plan development
On-site inspections and verification
Equipment metering
Code compliance assessments
Customer survey design and implementation
On-site data collection
Measure load shape review and analysis
Measure cost review and analysis
Staff Training and Support
Training on evaluation standards and best practices
Evaluation protocol and guideline review and development
Quality control/assurance support
Technical support (e.g. "What options are available to estimate savings for these measures?")
Regulatory support
Program evaluability assessments, including approaches, data needs, and performance metrics
Sanity checks (ex. "Is this savings estimate reasonable?")
TRM Review and Development
Existing measure review and updating
New measure development
Optimize the balance of detail and applicability for prescriptive measures
Integration of new primary and secondary data sources
Measure type (deemed, stipulated, or custom) appropriateness assessments
Baseline and End Use Studies
Market saturation studies of energy using equipment, including lighting, HVAC, water heating, plug loads, and process equipment
On site equipment data collection and compilation, including, type, fuel source, efficiency, and capacity
End use studies aimed at researching a focused topic. Examples: lighting hours of use, HVAC load shapes, attic insulation effective R-value